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16 Aug 2019


A couple notes to start things off: Special thanks to my one and only reader for reminding me about doing this! Second, apologies to my family: I know it’s time to write about what I’m reading when half the things I say start with “This book I just read talked about…”, and I’ve surely passed that threshold in the last few weeks. 😉

The collection of books I’ve read recently (see below for the full list from the past three months) makes up what I just learned is probably a “small-world network.” That is, most are clustered around similar topics (the environment, politics, philosophy, medicine, dogs), with a few linking the disparate fields together. Other examples include the neurons in our brain, actors in movies (Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon?), online social networks, and real life social networks (interestingly, behaviors like smoking also propagate along these!).

If I were more motivated, I’d draw out a graph to prove my books were one of these… but I’m not. Instead, here are some of the coincidental and maybe interesting links that emerged, and also (as usual) random things I thought were cool. Most of these are concentrated from the most recent readings, since… memory, and all.

Maya’s 2019 Summer Books, In Chronological Order

[* = recommended; ~ = favorite!] I’ve got notes written up for some of these… ask and you shall receive!