open questions

1. does it matter whether I use paper, plastic, or reusable bags? and other choices with ambiguous environmental impacts.

asked 05-22-2020, updated 11-22-2020

2. how natural is a GMO?

asked & updated 05-23-2020

“The Nature of Nature,” Grow by Gingko Bioworks, 2019

3. do we have free will? what even does that mean?

asked & updated 11-22-2020

4. what traits, if any, distinguish humans from other forms of intelligent life?

asked & updated 11-22-2020

5. do our lives have a higher purpose? what does that mean, regardless the answer?

asked 11-22-2020

6. which to prioritize- pleasure in the moment, or when viewed in retrospect?

asked 11-22-2020