Resolutions? Intentions?
Things to try to do or keep doing starting tomorrow, but not to get super intense about?
- Don’t keep reading books I hate.
- Continue finding a quote a day.
- Create something each day.
- Either read an article, save it, or skip it— don’t just scroll through.
- … but it’s okay to skim research articles, or just to note key findings, without reading the details of every method used.
- Formulate opinions on topics I read about.
- … and practice using the different writing tips I’ve read about this year!
- Keep up with letter writing.
- Run outside when I can.
- Journal three pages a day.
- Breathing. Do it often.
- Get outside for at least 10 minutes a day.
By value (or, why these matter to me):
- Authenticity: 1, 2, 5, 8, 9
- Adventure: 3, 7
- Connection: 6, 10
- Challenge: 4