Intentions for the New Year

31 Dec 2020


Resolutions? Intentions?

Things to try to do or keep doing starting tomorrow, but not to get super intense about?

  1. Don’t keep reading books I hate.
  2. Continue finding a quote a day.
  3. Create something each day.
  4. Either read an article, save it, or skip it— don’t just scroll through.
    • … but it’s okay to skim research articles, or just to note key findings, without reading the details of every method used.
  5. Formulate opinions on topics I read about.
    • … and practice using the different writing tips I’ve read about this year!
  6. Keep up with letter writing.
  7. Run outside when I can.
  8. Journal three pages a day.
  9. Breathing. Do it often.
  10. Get outside for at least 10 minutes a day.

By value (or, why these matter to me):