The Scout Mindset - Julia Galef

Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don’t

18 Jun 2021



Part I: The Case for Scout Mindset

1: Two Types of Thinking

2: What the Soldier is Protecting

3: Why the Truth is More Valuable Than We Realize

Part II: Developing Self-Awareness

4: Signs of a Scout

5: Noticing Bias

6: How Sure Are You?

Part III: Thriving Without Illusions

7: Coping with Reality

8: Motivation Without Self-Deception

9: Influence Without Overconfidence

Part IV: Changing Your Mind

10: How to Be Wrong

11: Lean In To Confusion

12: Escape Your Echo Chamber

Part V: Rethinking Identity

13: How Beliefs Become Identities

14: Hold Your Identity Lightly

15: A Scout Identity