July 2021 reading update (MM No. 12)

01 Aug 2021

reading,   MM

Welcome to August, friends!

I hope the sun is shining in your part of the world. I’m writing to you with July’s reading updates— as usual, a somewhat eclectic collection of books ranging from a history of the Israel-Palestine conflict to a novel about a girl who decides to literally sleep for a year, and a sampling of everything in between. Take a look and let me know if anything strikes your interest— always excited to discuss more!

What have your favorite reads been this past month?

Some more Internet links will be on their way shortly, but wanted to get this edition out on time. The usual reminders— further notes available through linked titles, I welcome all questions/comments/critiques/pet updates, and feel free to forward to anyone else you think might enjoy my reading adventures!

Have a happy Sunday morning!



