Greetings, friends!
I have quite a collection for y’all today, and lots of pretty things included. Hope some of these clicks make your day a little more beautiful, and happy Valentine’s day and happy Monday to all!
The Aesthetic Collection
- A living catalogue keeping track of the rainbow of colors that dyes made from mushrooms can create— nature is beautiful, and awesome in the literal meaning of the word.
- An article featuring beautiful Australian aboriginal art— reminds me of a book I read awhile back, Sand Talk, that discussed indigenous ways of thinking.
- Plen air paintings by Jeremy Sans photographed in situ. Very meta (not Facebook, just… self-referential), and very cool.
- Stunning photographs of sea salt production…
- … of Madagascar’s last baobab trees…
- … of dogs with the most aptly-designed cones…
- … of dogs, sled racing…
- … of the minerals that actually result from the oft-horrendously destructive processes of mining…
- … and of outer space, in all its glory.
The Rest
- We hear a lot about the possibilities of COVID becoming endemic these days… I didn’t really know what that meant, and this article explains why none of us actually do.
- Dining in an igloo restaurant is on my bucket list.
- I rode horses for a few years back in the day, and this essay on the neurobiological miracle of the horse-human connection made me very nostalgic.
- I feel like my cryptic crossword obsession is slowly crafting my brain into the sort of state described by the Scrabble-loved author here, where he begins to see anagrams everywhere he looks. I have to say, it makes the world a much more interesting and interactive place sometimes.
- An interesting snapshot of actual “de-extinction” projects, focusing on efforts to bring back the aurochs to Europe.
- Wonder where the clothes you return or donate actually end up? These investigators tried to find out, and the results aren’t as pleasant as you may wish.
- Meet the dogs that save people buried by avalanches. Yet another reason that pups are the best.