Dark Emu - Bruce Pascoe

19 Feb 2022


Dark Emu


1. Agriculture

Aboriginal people were not reacting to the state of nature, but directly affecting its production.

  • Potential advantage of using Aboriginal crops in Australia’s farms of the future?

2. Aquaculture

The reluctance to credit engineered fisheries to colonised people, and thus underrate their sovereignty of the land, is not peculiar to Australia.

  • Lots of use of abalone for both food and other artifacts

3. Population and Housing

The underestimation of Indigenous achievement was a deliberate tactic of British colonialism.

  • Large structure in NA also ignored, as in South Africa
  • Aboriginal stone structures (housing complexes) were very large, all had some cooking facilities
  • Many design features → significant religious meanings
    • Altered tree growth, forks and rods in houses, patterning

4. Storage and Preservation

5. Fire

6. The Heavens, Language, and the Law

There may not be a golden rule found in Aboriginal governance, but I suspect there are elements of agriculture, conservation, culture, and government that, having been tested against the nature of Aboriginal society for a minimum of 60,000 years, hold profitable messages for the nation.

  • Songlines of Aboriginal people connected language groups, cultural centers → change of ideas, technologies
  • Absence of imperial warfare— continent’s long lasting stability should be admired and studied
    • Governed by strict rules, violence not tolerated
    • Not quite democracy: the Elders with political influence gradually rose to their position through initiation, gaining respect
> All other processes of delivering justice, protecting the peace, managing hierarchy and social roles as well as the dividing up the land’s wealth were defined by ancestral law, and interpreted by those chosen as the senior Elders. Of all the systems humans have devised to manage their lives on earth, Aboriginal government looks most like the democratic model.
>  - Aboriginal law → land held in commons people are temporal custodians → fencing was very rare - Intimate cooperation btw cetaceans and humans, combination of economic imperative and spiritual cx with animal world; lost after European arrival

7. An Australian Agricultural Revolution

8. Accepting History and Creating the Future
